
Team Building Outside of the Office 

Team Building Outside of the Office 

Hoping to inspire strong working relationships and boost morale among your office team? Team building activities outside of the office create the opportunity to learn more about fellow coworkers and employees. Time spent together away from work has proven to lead to better relationships at work. Build team spirit within the office through the bonding that occurs while doing fun activities together.

Top Four Team Building Activities

One of the stereotypes of team-building exercises is a trust fall into the arms of your teammates. Instead, choose an experience that’s tailored for adults. Activities like go-karting, ropes courses, game night and ax-throwing offer the chance to compete with coworkers in a friendly, challenging atmosphere. Here are our top four fun team ideas to foster relationships among your team members.

Ropes Courses

When the weather allows, high or low ropes courses offer a physical challenge for your group to overcome. Hanging in the sky from a harness and relying on a teammate to help you maneuver the course creates a special type of bond. The courses require coaching and encouragement from other team members to conquer the challenge. If you want to put your team to the ultimate test, ropes courses are a good choice. When you successfully come out on the other side, the result is trust between teammates.

Game Night

Grab some of your favorite card and board games and gather around the lunch table after hours. Whip up your favorite appetizer and let the games do the rest. You can make the evening all about your favorite video games or a series of strategy board games depending on your team’s preferences. Games provide a way to let loose and have fun with low stakes. Forming teams for the games can boost trust and create lasting memories between team members.

Ax Throwing 

Ax throwing is a newer team building activity formerly reserved for lumberjacks. Recently, it’s become a go-to outing for friends and coworkers. Once you learn the technique, simply throwing an ax at a target can be endlessly entertaining. This form of hilarious fun is different than overcoming a task together, but it still builds team spirit. Add good food into the mix, and team bonding will ensue.

Indoor Go-Karting

Feel the thrill of the wind in your hair as you pass your boss on the racetrack at 50 miles per hour. Go-karting allows you to relive your childhood with your coworkers. Best of all, indoor go-karting is suitable for an outing any time of the year. Rent a full track for your team to completely take over or join a public race on a weeknight. Your team members will keep talking about who beat who, requiring rematches in the future.

Get in the Team Spirit at Tampa Bay Grand Prix

Plan your next team building activity with Tampa Bay Grand Prix! Our indoor, year-round tracks at two locations can accommodate groups of any size through private events or public races. Learn more about our event packages for your group.

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