
Settling the Debate: Is Go-Karting a Sport?

Drivers know that go-karting and other motorsports spark an adrenaline rush like nothing else. From pure speed to precise handling, go-kart racing is tons of fun and takes a lot of skill and hard work to perfect. Still, some people don’t give go-karting the love it deserves. Plenty of skeptics will say that go-karting isn’t…

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How Fast Do Go-Karts Go?

Drivers of all skill levels love go-karts for their exhilarating combination of speed and control. Competing with friends on the racetrack can be a great rush, and speed makes the experience all the better. When it comes to go-kart speed, various factors come into play. Kart designers understand these factors and build karts that make…

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Who Invented the Go-Kart?

The summer of 1956 is when it all began. Art Ingels, a fabricator at Kurtis Kraft, the foremost racing car company in the country, had an idea — one that would earn him recognition as the Founding Father of Karting. Inspired by racing cars he’d worked on, Ingles used tools he found in his Echo…

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The History of Formula 1 and Grand Prix Racing

As long as humans have had the capability to travel at fast speeds, races have existed — from humble motor races in the late 1890s to the rich history of Grand Prix racing throughout the 1900s and 2000s. There are many types of racing, and one of the most popular is Formula 1. Here’s a brief history…

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How Racetracks Are Designed

When you see the familiar oval-shaped racetrack, you might give little thought to how it was designed and crafted. With a few turns and straightaways, how involved could it be? Racetrack design is a complex process involving various steps, simulations and test trials. Tampa Bay Grand Prix covers the racetrack design process, with a brief…

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