
How to Overtake Another Racer in Go-Karting 

Picture this: you’re driving into the final lap of the race and the only thing between you and your trophy is the go-kart in front of you. But how do you overtake them without wiping out?

Win your next trophy with our easy guide to overtaking. 

When to Overtake

To make the most impact when you overtake, use certain areas of the track to your advantage such as:

  • Starting line: With a solid start, you can move up a few positions without much effort.
  • Corners: As you turn a corner, note if the racers beside you brake too early and use this to pass them. If they take too long to accelerate, this is a good place to overtake as well. 
  • Straights: After you come out of a corner, the straightaway is your next best option to pass. If you decide to pass here, draft behind to kart in front of you and then go for it. 

How to Overtake Another Go-Kart Racer

A basic overtake happens in four steps:

  1. Accelerate on a straightaway until you’re about 3 feet behind the person you want to overtake. 
  2. Move to the inside of the track until you’re driving next to the other go-kart.
  3. Turn on the inside of the track and gently hit the brake as you turn the corner. For sharp corners, hit the break harder so you don’t collide with the go-kart in front of you. 
  4. Accelerate as you come out of the corner. Move ahead of the go-kart you just passed and keep your foot on the gas to maintain your lead. 

Other Go-Kart Overtaking Tips

Here are some more tips to keep in mind when overtaking slower go-kart racers:

  • Don’t make contact: Making contact with your opponent is never a good idea and could lead to a disqualification or send you and your opponent out of control. 
  • Plan ahead: Coming into your race with a plan will help you win before you’ve even started. Thinking ahead will help you know when to overtake and prepare for any unexpected opportunities.
  • Use dummying: To dummy, move your kart to the opposite side you plan to overtake. The other driver will move their go-kart to block you, giving you a wide-open space on the other side to accelerate past them. 

Try It for Yourself!

Now that you’ve read our handy guide, try passing other go-karts for yourself at Tampa Bay Grand Prix. Schedule your next race online at one of our two locations today!

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